Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique

Egyptian Emotional Clearing TechniqueThis gentle yet powerful technique uses therapeutic-grade essential oils and other bodywork techniques to promote a deep and sacred state of connection. The experience is often like an inner vision quest, or a heightened state of meditation and mental clarity.

Based on  an ancient Egyptian ritual described in the Temple of Isis for “cleansing of the spirit”, the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is performed in silence and reverence. The receiver is anointed with 13 different emotional blends of essential oil. The deeply relaxing effects of these essential oils and bodywork carry you into a blissful state of “presence”. At the same time, the beautiful aroma of these essential oils will stimulate memories and emotions, carrying you wherever you need to go in order to reach a state of clarity and understanding.

It is a beautiful and intuitive way to reconnect with the inner self, and gently release issues that are causing emotional and physical challenges. We’ve had profound shifts occur during this technique. Give yourself a huge blessing, and experience this amazing technique!

A profound Inner Vision Quest and a powerful tool for Transformation
As a form  of emotional clearing technique, the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is special in its ability to help you:
·       The essential oil blends used in EECT help to deeply relax and rejuvenate the physical body. Recipients often find that their breathing transitions from a chest breath, to a deep and relaxed abdominal breath.
·       The essential oil blends contain oils such as Sandalwood and Cedarwood, which help to carry the mind from an active (alpha) state, to a deep and restful theta state. This promotes a state akin to meditation, where deep rejuvenation and clarity can take place.
·       The essential oils used in EECT have a unique ability to access the limbic region of the brain, where emotions and memory are stored. Many recipients find themselves gently recognising, embracing, releasing and transforming emotions.
·       Because the limbic region of the brain is also responsible for spiritual connection/phenomena, some recipients report profound spiritual experiences and awarenesses during EECT, allowing them to address unhealed aspects of their life’s journey, and reconnect with their inner truth and personal power.
·       The powerful effects of the essential oils combine with the sacredness and beauty of the ritual, providing the recipient with the opportunity for self-healing on all levels.

Receiving the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique brings a welcome respite from our lifestyle of high stress and high energy, and brings about a gentle reconnection on a deep inner level.

Why does the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique work?
Did you know that your sense of smell accesses the limbic system of your brain, where emotional memories and trauma is stored? Because of their aroma,therapeutic-grade essential oils exert a powerful balancing effect on the emotions. The Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique uses this concept and combines it with an ancient Egyptian ritual for elevating the Spirit.

Dr. Daniel Penoel, M.D. in his book Natural Home Health Care using Essential Oils puts forward the concept that therapeutic-grade essential oils have an innate intelligence. This can be explained in terms of the complex “fingerprint” of a true essential oil. Comprising hundreds of individual constituents, each with an individual action on the body and emotions as well as a collective (synergistic) action, an essential oil works on whatever level the recipient needs it to work. Its effect can be emotional, physical or spiritual.

For this reason, there is no “set” response when you receive an Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique. Each time the technique is received, the experiences will be different. The most common outcomes to this technique are an intense state of clarity around current issues, the gentle release of issues that are causing emotional and physical challenges, and feelings of emotional bliss and heightened awareness.

Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique Essential OilsBecause of the importance of using only the highest quality essential oils and the correct chemotypes, I only use Young Living essential oils.

First session costs $140
Subsequent sessions cost $120